
Jeremy's Newsletter: Personal Growth + Systemic Social Change

πŸ’¬ Top 6 quotes from the first 6 episodes!

Published 25 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

​Jeremy Blanchard Coaching​

Dispatches on social change + personal transformation

🌱 Latest from Jeremy

Hi friends!

I've been in full-on podcast mode for the past two months! I want to share some of the gems from my guests' amazing wisdom. So I bring you.... πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯

🀩 The top 6 quotes (and clips!) from the first 6 episodes of Wider Roots


We have to be living demonstrations of that just, life-sustaining, life-affirming way with every interaction that we have. With the way that we live our lives.
β€” Jess Serrante, episode 1

​Listen to episode 1​



As a gardener, you're always looking at, "what can I do to help this garden flourish?" You don't wait until the plant is dying to water it. You're just caring for it on a regular basis and you're always supporting it to be more resilient.
β€” Mazin Jamal, episode 2

​Listen to episode 2​


I think people don’t change by shame or blame or forcing them into things. I think they change because they have a vision of the world they want. And that being a coach is like being some of the guardrails and helping them really rehone towards what is that vision?
β€” Dara Silverman, episode 3

​Listen to episode 3​


Hopefully, this is changing, but like when I was a young organizer, we didn’t do a lot of collective dreaming, You know, it was just like, we need to change this policy right now, or like, we need to stop climate crisis right now. And it’s like, okay, great, but what are we moving towards? So how do we personally and collectively dream outside of that is an important thing to be looking at.
β€” NoΓ«lle Janka, episode 4

​Listen to episode 4​


I think one of the biggest contributions we can do is to create movement spaces where people would never even question their sense of belonging.
How do we create that culture where even if I do or say the worst possible thing, I know that I still belong because there's, it's the way that the universe is structured, right? There's nothing outside of belonging. And so how do we give people that felt sense?
β€” Kazu Haga, episode 5

​Listen to episode 5​


We fundamentally believe that everyone has a stake in climate change. That everyone can affect change around it.
I really get upset when I see people making decisions from a place of fear. I want people to make decisions from a place of values, groundedness, logic, whatever you want to call it, but not these threatened, frightened, disempowered places where we don't make good decisions.
β€” Charly Cox, episode 6

​Listen to episode 6​

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Big hugs,


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Jeremy's Newsletter: Personal Growth + Systemic Social Change

If you're interested in the intersection of personal growth and systemic social change, you might enjoy my newsletter. You can sign up here πŸ‘‡πŸ»

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Jeremy Blanchard Coaching Dispatches on social change + personal transformation Hi friends! 🌱 Latest from Jeremy Wider Roots Podcast launches today! πŸŽ‰ Today's the day! The first two episodes are live right now in your podcast feeds! You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or by email. It's for movement leaders who long to see more inner work being done while we work for external change. And it's for coaches and other practitioners who long to use their work to effect systemic change....

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Jeremy Blanchard Coaching Dispatches on social change + personal transformation Hi friends! 🌱 Latest from Jeremy I'm starting a podcast on personal + systemic transformation! (Coming January 2024!) I'm SO excited to share this update with y'all! I'm starting a podcast!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ It's for coaches and leaders about the intersection of coaching and social justice. It's the podcast I wish I had when I started getting curious about coaching and personal transformation work over a decade ago. When I...

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